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Unity News

Allen Island

February 16, 2016

Unity College faculty receive research grants

Nearly $45,000 in new awards bolsters proven sustainability science research on Allen Island


February 11, 2016

‘On the Water and In the Woods’ at Unity

Barbara Peabody’s show of color studies on nature opens at Unity College gallery

February 09, 2016

Biotic integrity focus of next Fishbowl

Wildlife biologist to discuss ways of measuring river restoration in Maine

February 03, 2016

Unity College opens #GreenJobs fair Tuesday

More than 100 employers to meet job seekers at New England’s largest environmental career fair

Michelle Demko

January 29, 2016

Michelle Demko, Animal Caregiver

“Unity College gave us the skills and commitment to be environmental stewards; you have to find within yourself the pride, passion, dedication, and determination to fulfill that commitment.”

January 13, 2016

#GreenJobs recruiters flock to Unity College event

More than 70 groups will meet job seekers at New England’s largest environmental career fair


January 11, 2016

Rory Dwyer, Animal Keeper

“I wake up every morning and know that I get to go to the coolest job in the world.”

January 11, 2016

Amanda Hardaswick, Federal Wildlife Officer

The professors helped along the way and I had my dream job prior to graduation.

Chelsea Ardel

January 11, 2016

Chelsea Ardle, assistant editor

I love my editing position because it allows me to constantly be inspired by new voices and new writers. – See more at:

Tiffany Demell

January 11, 2016

Tiffany DeMell, Commissary keeper

“Unity’s dedication to conservation through sustainability science gives our graduates an edge.”

Grants to Green Maine

January 11, 2016

Unity College arts center gets greener

Grant helps upgrade energy efficiency at Unity College Center for the Performing Arts

Law Antlers

January 09, 2016

Unity hosts Maine Criminal Justice Academy

Numerous Maine police agencies on campus to train students in conservation law enforcement

Melik Khoury

January 04, 2016

Khoury assumes presidency of Unity College

Higher education leader tapped to continue innovation at America’s Environmental College

January 04, 2016

Jonathan Gibbons has been hired to the post of Sustainability Engagement & Data Coordinator

Gibbons will identify and track sustainability metrics for multiple analysis and reporting purposes to help reach the goals of the college Strategic Plan.

December 21, 2015

Unity students demonstrate sustainability science research

Twice-annual Unity College Student Conference provides forum for student environmental projects.

December Grads

December 21, 2015

Unity College sends graduates forth

Twenty-seven make their mark after earning degrees at America’s Environmental College.

December 16, 2015

First college to divest lauds Paris climate accord

America’s Environmental College to track implementation of ambitious agreement

Erik Larson

December 14, 2015

Erik Larson, PhD, Assistant Professor of Geology

“I’m happy that my job as a geology professor allows me to get outside to do what I love: teaching and research.”

Bear Study

December 14, 2015

Report wraps up third year of landmark Unity College Bear Study.

Report wraps up third year of landmark Unity College Bear Study.

Coral Tank

December 11, 2015

Donor helps buoy Unity College wet lab

Founder’s daughter, a trustee, steps up to support programs at America’s Environmental College