Unity News
August 26, 2014
Wyeth Family Foundation Partners with Unity College for Research, Educational Projects on Allen Island
The Up East Foundation is funding three Unity College projects to take place on Allen Island, the family retreat of famed painter Andrew Wyeth.
August 26, 2014
Three Students Awarded Nicholas Holt Challenge Scholarship
In a gift made possible by the Holt family in collaboration with the Maine Community Foundation, three Unity College students have been chosen as this year’s recipients.
August 26, 2014
Alumni Work to Secure Internships for the next generation of Federal Land Managers
The USDA Forest Service and Unity College have provided students an intensive introductory work experience with a federal public land management agency.
August 26, 2014
Unity College Officials Elated that Glenn close to be Honored by Maine International Film Festival
Glenn Close, whose financial support helped to restore the White House Solar Panels used at Unity College, will receive the Mid-Life Achievement Award at MIFF. One of the premier environmental… Read more »
August 26, 2014
Unity College Names Julie Briggs Cunningham Director of College Development and Alumni Affairs
Unity College has announced the appointment of Julie Briggs Cunningham as Director of College Development and Alumni Affairs.
August 26, 2014
The McKay Agricultural Research Station Prepares for Academic Year
A transformative gift received by Unity College is poised to enhance teaching, research, entrepreneurship, experiential learning and programs in sustainable agriculture.
August 26, 2014
Belief in Future Viability of Unity College Leads Family to Donate $200K
Less than five years removed from receiving a $10 million donation, Unity College continues to attract broad support from new and old friends alike.
June 17, 2014
Maine Farmland Trust Gifts Works by Joseph Fiore
Unity College has been gifted with six works from The Rock Paintings collection (1975-1987) by well-known avant-garde artist Joseph Fiore.
June 10, 2014
President Mulkey Shares Vision for a Sustainable Planet
In a Yale Environment 360 interview, Unity College President Stephen Mulkey, whose vision helped ignite the divestment movement for fossil fuels investments by higher education endowments, shares his vision for a livable future.
June 10, 2014
First of Its kind Bear Study Brings Distinction to Unity College
The Unity College Bear Study, a “first of its kind” study in the US that directly involves undergraduates, is a perfect example of how Sustainability Science enriches the college experiences of students across the curriculum.
June 10, 2014
A pattern of unprecedented growth
At a time when higher education appears to be in flux, with smaller colleges beset by economies of scale and enrollment challenges, Unity College, known as America’s Environmental College, is poised to continue a pattern of unprecedented growth.
June 03, 2014
Summer Courses and Internships on offer to the General Public
One of the premier environmental colleges in the United States is offering a wide range of courses for both college age and adult learners this summer.
June 02, 2014
President Mulkey Supports Regulations on Carbon Emissions from Power Plants
Unity College President Stephen Mulkey strongly supports regulations on carbon emissions from power plants, issuing the following open letter to President Barack Obama in support of these regulations.
May 21, 2014
Sustainability Science, Unprecedented Expansion and International Acclaim Frame Unity College Success Story
Unity College has gained national attention for a variety of achievements including its focus on Sustainability Science.
May 14, 2014
Stanford University Joins Movements Started by Unity College
It’s a big win for the divestment movement as Stanford University dumps coal-mining shares and Dr. Stephen Mulkey offers a vision for reframing higher education.
May 12, 2014
Presidential Welcome Address 2014
The Great Work of our time is the development of a sustainable relationship with the Earth. The environmental challenges of this century are, I believe, even more perilous than those faced by my father’s generation.
May 08, 2014
Venator Foundation Gift to Unity College Bear Study Produces Exceptional Results
A groundbreaking Maine black bear study involving Unity College students continues to spark the imagination of the general public and garner support.
May 06, 2014
Scouting Influences Students to Come to Unity College
Many Unity College students have become active leaders in the outdoors through their involvement in the scouting program.
April 30, 2014
MPBN Documentary “RADICALLY simple” Features Jim Merkel
The documentary shows Merkel at work on his homestead as well as doing public presentations and leading workshops on foot printing, permaculture, money and other topics related to sustainability.
April 30, 2014
Deanna Witman Receives Accolades
Unity College Adjunct Instructor of Photography Deanna Witman has recently been recognized by a variety of professional artistic organizations for her innovative photographic work.