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Matthew Stefon

Baccalaureate Adjunct Faculty

Matthew Stefon


Master’s of Theological Studies, Sacred Theology, and Master's of Arts in Religion and Literature

Matt Stefon is an adjunct instructor at Unity Environmental University. He studied at Boston University, receiving a Master’s of Theological Studies and a Master’s of Sacred Theology in comparative philosophy, ethics, and religion, and a Master’s of Arts in religion and literature. He also earned bachelor’s degrees in English and American Studies and a minor in history from the Pennsylvania State University. He researched revisions to the US forestry code for the Montana Wilderness Association (now Wild Montana); served as religion editor of Encyclopaedia Britannica; taught ethics, philosophy, religious studies, writing, and literature at Middlesex Community College; and taught comparative religion at Southern New Hampshire University and Norwich University. Matt’s teaching and research interests include environmental philosophy, environmental ethics (particularly environmental virtue ethics), applied and professional ethics, Western conceptions of non-Western philosophical and religious traditions, ecopoetry and ecopoetics, and the intersection of ethics, spirituality, and art. His articles have appeared in publications such as Encyclopaedia Britannica, Saving Earth (formerly Advocacy for Animals), Encyclopedia of American Environmental History, Material Culture in America, and Journal of Religion and Film.  He is currently researching a manuscript on moral self-cultivation and nature