An opening reception will be held on October 16th from 5 – 7 p.m. Refreshments will be provided. The reception is free and open to the public. The UCCPA is located at 42 Depot Street (off Route 202) in Unity, Maine. The gallery is open during events and by appointment. For more information contact Ben Potter, Professor of Art / Curator of the Leonard R. Craig Gallery at (207) 948-9239, or e-mail
Richard Keen’s “Form Singularity” exhibition presents a cohesive look at his practice of merging painting and sculpture. The abstracted forms and simplified shapes in his new work are distillations of boat components derived from rudders, keels and rabbets. Keen combines experimental uses of boat building materials along with traditional painting and sculpture methods that continue a long dialog he has had with Maine’s working waterfronts. This exhibition will also feature a site-specific mural which continues Keen’s pattern of explorations beyond traditional object making in fine art.
Keen holds a B.F.A from Millikin University in Decatur,IL and an M.A. from the State University of New York, at Albany. Since moving to Maine in 1999 he taught visual art in public schools for five years followed by self employment as a diver and boat mooring provider in Casco Bay. He maintains a studio at Ft. Andross Mill in Brunswick. Richard has exhibited in juried regional, national and international exhibitions. His work is held in private collections throughout the United States. Keen has received several grants from the Maine Arts Commission, a University of Rhode Island Visual Art Sea Grant, and has been selected for several visiting artist awards. He recently had work in the United States “Art in Embassies Program” and his artwork has been reviewed in local and regional publications including Art New England. His paintings are represented in Maine by Elizabeth Moss Gallery in Falmouth and Cynthia Winings Gallery in Blue Hill.