Looking Ahead to 2024-2025
Distance Education locks tuition and expands resources

Tuition Rates Locked
We are pleased to announce that we will not be raising tuition for the 2024-2025 year, marking our sixth consecutive year of keeping tuition flat. In fact, we are committed to keeping our current tuition rates locked through 2030!

Unlimited Counseling

Mental health is reported as a top concern among college students today, making it essential to prioritize your mental and emotional well-being alongside your educational goals. That’s why Distance Education students will continue to receive unlimited mental health counseling services at no additional cost. By staying enrolled, you ensure continuous access to the care and support you need, available 24/7, allowing you to thrive both academically and personally. Take advantage of this confidential service to maintain your well-being and overcome obstacles along the way to achieving your academic goals.

Additional Tutoring Hours
Many students have taken advantage of the virtual around-the-clock tutoring service offered through Pear Deck Tutor (formerly TutorMe), which has consistently gained high reviews. To provide you with even more support for your courses, we are more than doubling your hours starting this July.

New Resource Hubs
1) The Communications Hub (Comm Hub for short) includes resources to help improve your writing, create effective presentations and graphics, identify credible information sources, and much more! It also offers guidance on using generative AI tools to enhance your work and learning. We strongly encourage you to explore the site and bookmark it so you can take advantage of these resources in your academic and professional work.
2) The Math Hub also includes a variety of resources, such as step-by-step tutorials, that you may find useful in your academic or professional work. Again, we encourage you to explore and bookmark this resource and use it whenever you need some additional support in mathematics, especially related to statistics and the application of statistics to research and problem-solving. To access the Math Hub, you will need to be logged into your unity.edu account through the SSO. Once you’re in Canvas, you can link to the Math Hub.

Grammarly AI Writing Tool
We’re thrilled to introduce the cutting-edge Grammarly AI Writing Tool. While you may already be familiar with Grammarly for its spelling and punctuation checks, this dynamic and innovative service takes it a step further by providing advanced writing assistance to enhance your mechanics and clarity, ensuring your work is polished and professional. With 94% of student users reporting better grades after using Grammarly, we can’t wait for you to experience how this cool new AI tool can transform your writing for course assignments.

Hands-On Chemistry Lab Kits

We’re excited to announce a new partnership with Carolina Labs to offer hands-on kits to all students enrolled in CHEM 102 (Chemistry I Lab) and CHEM 104 (Chemistry II Lab) beginning in the July term. These kits will provide students with opportunities to build hands-on experimentation skills while exploring phenomena and deepening understanding of concepts covered in Chemistry I and II.
These kits will be provided to enrolled students at no additional cost because we understand the importance of experiential education, and because we believe that students who are studying the discipline of chemistry – in particular – benefit from opportunities to conduct hands-on experimentation. Each kit will arrive with protective equipment, beakers, test tubes, thermometers, and more. Everything students need for authentic, safe chemistry labs in their own homes!

New Bachelor’s and Master’s Programs
We are continually designing new programs that will provide flexible, affordable access to learners preparing for new careers or professional advancement.
Bachelor’s Degrees: This year we added several new baccalaureate degree options, including Bachelor of Science (BS) degrees in Regenerative Hotel Management, Agroforestry, Tourism Destination Management, Regenerative Agriculture, and Food Business and Culinary Entrepreneurship. We are also launching a BS program in Environmental Process Engineering, the first of several planned BS programs in the field of engineering.
Master’s Degrees: At the graduate level, we added a Master of Professional Science (MPS) program in Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience and exciting new Sustainable Master of Business Administration (SMBA) programs in Parks and Outdoor Recreation and Sustainable Tourism and Hospitality. We are also offering Master of Science (MS) degrees for the first time in a variety of fields, including Environmental Data Analytics, One Health, and Carbon Ecology and Management.
Unity Environmental University pioneers the ongoing development of forward-thinking environmental degrees, preparing students for the sustainability challenges of tomorrow.

If you need assistance with these resources and programs, please don’t hesitate to contact your advisor or email Advising@unity.edu. Our team is here to support you every step of the way!