Sustainability Science
Live sustainability now.
Enjoy a better Earth later.
What is sustainability science? It’s a framework, a blueprint, for protecting life and resources on Earth. It’s more than composting, recycling, and advancing energy efficiency—it’s a mindset for how we interact with the planet.
We study natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities to understand this interaction between humans and the environment. We emphasize education and research to create solutions to complex problems threatening humanity’s survival.
Sustainability science is at the heart of everything we do at Unity because to us, nothing is more important than the mark we make on this planet.
Welcome to the environmental century.
Prepare for a new age.
Sustainability degrees
Sustainability science is a trans-disciplinary field. At Unity, we put sustainability science at the front and center of all our programs. Our unique framework includes:
- Preparing students to take on environmental leadership roles in a range of careers
- Providing a liberal arts foundation for communicating and thinking critically about environmental challenges
- Stressing the connections across the many disciplines in the larger field of environmental studies
- Engaging students in coursework such as project and financial management
Are you ready to create a brighter future for our world? Explore our online and in-person programs.
Sustainability in higher education
It’s time for higher education institutions to prepare students for a changing world. We’re rising to answer that call.
Unity has earned the gold STARS (The Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System) seal. This seal represents our commitment to meeting our sustainability goals in all energy, water, waste, financial, and social aspects.
We are proud to be part of the American College and University Presidents’ Climate Commitment (ACUPCC). With this commitment, we’ve pledged to create a strategic plan for making our campus climate neutral–and we’ve started by divesting from fossil fuels but our efforts don’t stop there.