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October 28, 2015

New England’s biggest ‘green jobs’ fair seeks recruiters

Companies looking to add graduates with sustainability skills reserve now for Feb. 9 event

October 27, 2015

Unity steps up awareness of disability

Two programs invite students to experience campus life facing additional challenges

October 26, 2015

“Not a Right Fit?” – Should a Strong Organizational Culture Prevail at the Expense of long-term Financial Sustainability?

A very close friend of mine just resigned from what seemed “to me” a dream job. After an hour on the phone, parochialism seemed to be at the core of his reasoning. As he was ok with his decision to move on, I took it at an opportunity to digress and discuss the fact that… Read more »

Wildlife Duck

October 22, 2015

Students rewarded for undergraduate research

Eight undergraduates win grants for completing field-based research projects


October 20, 2015

Unity recognized as campus sustainability leader

STARS rating puts Unity College in upper echelon for energy, investment

October 19, 2015

Be Innovative! … BUT DON’T… Upset The Apple Cart! … HUH?

I often spend time fielding questions from colleagues about the contradiction between being asked to innovate, yet not rock the boat. Most of us work in the not-for-profit higher education field, an industry that has its challenges, but this could apply to many mature organizations. Questions for such contradictions included: Do we encourage or discourage… Read more »


October 16, 2015

Unity’s unique venue offers Fall-Winter shows

Dinner theater, popular musical acts to appear at Unity College Center for the Performing Arts

Open House

October 16, 2015

‘Climate Change, Resilience and the Future of Food’

Soil scientist Dr. Laura Lengnick to speak at Unity College Center for the Performing Arts

Open House

October 16, 2015

Unity College opens to prospective students

Fall Open House comes amid record-high inquiries, applications, enrollment at America’s Environmental College

October 13, 2015

Unity student a top Future Farmer of America

Samantha Pendred ’16, of West Haven, Conn., earns American Degree from FFA program

Samantha Pendred

October 13, 2015

Unity student a top Future Farmer of America

Samantha Pendred ’16, of West Haven, Conn., earns American Degree from FFA program

October 13, 2015

Unity signs global pact on climate change

America’s Environmental College joins 379 signers that control $24 trillion in assets

Mary Saunders

October 13, 2015

Unity research offers guidance on crop diversity

Traditional buckwheat agriculture in China has lessons for organic farms in Maine

Doug Fox

October 01, 2015

Unity professor analyzes pope’s ecology encyclical

Doug Fox to join panel at St. Joseph’s College to discuss Laudato Si by Pope Francis

Peace Jam

October 01, 2015

Unity to host high school leadership conference

President-elect Khoury to offer anti-bullying message at PeaceJam Maine Slam

Areas of study

October 01, 2015

Unity professor analyzes pope’s ecology encyclical

Doug Fox to join panel at St. Joseph’s College to discuss Laudato Si by Pope Francis

September 30, 2015

Ru Allen ’17 makes her gallery debut with “Harvesting Unity”

A Unity College junior will make her artistic debut with a gallery show of photographs in October and November in Belfast.

September 29, 2015

Unity professor’s grant helps spark ‘biomath’

Dr. Diaz Eaton helped win five-year, $2.9M National Science Foundation award to build QUBES website.

September 28, 2015

Unity research team discovers new species

At the base of the food chain, tiny tardigrades may hold key to marine mysteries Echiniscoides wyethi named for Wyeths who own island where discovery occurred.

September 16, 2015

Unity offers ‘Instant Admissions Day’ for top students

School responds to record application trends by easing process