Unity College Flagship Students and Parents,
As spring break is set to begin this Friday, I wanted to send out some updated information about Unity College’s travel policies and guidelines regarding the spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).
As you know, our task force is staying apprised of the COVID-19 situation and is monitoring and adjusting our policies and protocols as things develop. We are posting those updates on the new website link included here https://www.unity.edu/coronavirus-covid-19/.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us and preventative measures are still the best way to contain the virus spread. At this time the risk to our students, faculty, and staff continues to remain low, however all College-related travel outside the State of Maine has been suspended through May 10, 2020.
To reduce unnecessary travel, we are encouraging our Flagship students to remain on campus during spring break if they are able. Please reach out to Dean Phinney to discuss and make arrangements as needed. The situation may change as new information is available, so we encourage students leaving for spring break to take essential academic resources home with them.
For any faculty or staff who have concerns regarding travel plans please contact your immediate supervisor. Our College travel policies are evolving, and the most current information will be available on the website listed above.
If you have additional questions about COVID-19 or think you might be sick, the Unity College Wellness Center can be reached by calling 207-509-7126 during the week. If you are living on campus and need care after hours, please contact your RA or a member of the Residence Life staff. There are several urgent care facilities in Waterville, Bangor, and Belfast as well as major hospitals in all three towns.
As we navigate this evolving situation, I encourage everyone to retain an inclusive mindset while we maintain proper diligence in our actions. We will continue focusing our efforts on supporting each other with compassion and factual information and we will have zero tolerance for discrimination.
In Unity,
Dr. Melik Peter Khoury
Unity College