Where are you from originally? Portsmouth, NH
Where are you currently residing? Hampton, NH
What is your Current Career Title? Owner/Entrepreneur
What is the Business/Organization you are working for? Seacoast Stone and Top Flower Farms
What year did you graduate? I did not complete my degree, I’m one semester shy.
What brought you to Unity College? I came to Unity because my step mother forced me to meet with my guidance counselor about college. I really did not care for the idea of college at the time, but Unity College seemed different. Once I thought it might be a good fit for me, I started to grow up and take my classes seriously. I had to maintain a 3.0 gpa in order for Unity to accept me, and I did that, which brought me here.
What was your Major? I lasted one semester of Conservation Law, then I switched to Environmental Policy.
What was your favorite thing about Unity College? Did you have a favorite tradition? The people, because ever since I left I’ve been looking for an excuse to get back. I also played on the hockey team up here every Tuesday night and I loved that. Everything about the area in Maine is great, it’s a unique place to be, it really is.
Do you have any advice for current Unity students? Yes, appreciate this place because it’s easy to take it for granted while you’re here. Definitely take your studies very seriously, as that was a huge regret of mine, but what I did learn here is invaluable. I grew up here, I became a man here… it’s hard to even out into words, it’s easy not to appreciate it in the moment.
Professional advice? This whole venture with Top Flower Farms started with an idea, but it took an incredible amount of work, dedication, and methodical planning.. It sounds like such a cliche, but you can really do anything if you put your mind to it. Nothing is handed to you. For the longest time, I thought I’d win the megabucks or money would just land on me. Once you get past that, you realize if you want something you have to go get it. Like I said, it sounds cliche but dreams do come true.
Are you happy in your current career? Yes, I am very happy. We are blessed to have this opportunity with Top Flower Farms.
Did you end up going a different direction than expected career wise? With what I’ve done in the past, yes but with what I’m doing now, no.
Is there anything you would have done differently during your education? I would have finished my degree, I’m only one semester shy of my bachelors degree. After a not-so-great semester, I started a business and it took off. However, I often regret not seeing my degree through to the end. I shouldn’t have moved into a house with eight other guys either. Unity College is a special place, it really is.
Do you feel was though Unity College prepared you for your career? Yes, it’s helped me in so many ways, it really has.