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What Does a Coastal Ecologist Do?

Have you always been drawn to the ocean, wondering what sort of animals and creatures might inhabit the coastal habitat? Maybe you visit the beach and watch all that nature has to offer, or maybe you once saw an exotic-looking fish while dipping your toes into the ocean and wanted to know all about it? If so, a career as a Coastal Ecologist might be the right fit for you. 

Coastal habitat is fascinating, and with climate change eroding our coast lines, Coastal Ecologists are more important than ever. Does this sound like a career path that would interest you? A bachelor’s degree in Ecology from Unity College can be your first step to a fulfilling career. 

Ecologist Fast Facts

Education Requirements 4-Year Bachelor’s Degree
Recommended Degree Program BS in Sustainable Agriculture
Median Salary (2019) $71,360 per year
Workers Employed in U.S. (2018) 85,000
Projected Job Openings by 2028 7,000
Projected Growth Rate 8% (Faster than average)

Bureau of Labor Statistics

Degree Programs

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