Development Timeline
This timeline illustrates major milestones in The Unity Environmental University Strategic Plan strategic planning process, and will be continually updated as additional feedback is received and new milestones are met.
Strategic Plan Development
Professional Development Presentation by CSO deHart
Chief Sustainability Officer shares update on the status of elements of the strategic plan, as well as First Draft Core Value Statements. View the entire State of the College presentation.
Facilitated Workshops (February 6 – 12)
During the workshops, participants discuss whether the first draft core value statements are clear, identify what they might be missing, and provide feedback on how to align them with the vision and mission of the College. Presentation: Core Value Statement Workshops Feb 2019
Board of Trustees Meeting
Board provides feedback on updated draft documents and an overview of the timeline for spring.
Board of Trustees Meeting
Board formally adopts the updated Unity College 2025 Strategic Plan, Tools, and FAQ documents. Memo: May 2019 Board Meeting Update
Leadership Retreat
Senior leaders drafted objectives and initiatives for Goal 1 Audience and Goal 2 Enterprise.