There are a myriad of proven environmental management strategies for stormwater that improve water quality, protect infrastructure, and provide for a sustainable future for water resources.  What society is missing are the incentives to get developments, designers, regulators (and campuses) to change their way of doing business.  This talk will present examples of Low Impact Development (LID) stormwater techniques and discuss new policies that will make LID the wave of the future for stormwater management.

Steve Kahl is Director of Sustainability at Unity College.  He comes to Unity from James Sewall Company in Old Town where he was the Director of Environmental and Energy Strategies.  He was the founding director of the Center for the Environment and the Environmental Research Laboratory at Plymouth State University and the founding Director of the Senator George Mitchell Center for Environmental Research and the Sawyer Environmental Chemistry Laboratory at the University of Maine, and is a past employee of Maine DEP and Maine DMR.  He is President of the Maine Lakes Society, past President of the Lake Winnipesaukee Watershed Association, and co-founder of — the on-line Lake Winnipesaukee Watershed Management Plan — a project he co-founded while in NH.   He is an outspoken advocate for sustainable water resource management and renewable energy.  Steve has a Ph.D. in Geological Sciences from the University of Maine.

Unity Fishbowl Talks is a colloquium series for Unity College faculty and invited outside speakers to discuss ideas on pedagogy and to present their scholarly work.

Support for this fishbowl comes from the Earth Week planning committee/Student Activities of Unity College. 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014