A Message About Unity’s Evolution
August 16, 2023
A Message About Unity’s Evolution
You may have read about recent updates at Unity Environmental University, and I myself have read some confusion, especially on social media over the past couple of months. It’s important that you hear directly from the institution on the current state of our University including our recent changes, challenges, and successes. Therefore, we want to address them directly to you and help clarify questions that have arisen.
Why did you list the 90 Quaker Hill Rd property for sale?
Our 90 Quaker Hill Rd property has been underutilized since the pandemic, and we have been exploring two solutions to make it more viable. One solution is to attract more students to live on campus, and the other is to lease some space on campus to external tenants. However, neither of these solutions has been successful so far. Therefore, we are considering a third option, which is to list the property for potential sale. This does not mean that we are giving up on the first two options, but rather that we are expanding our possibilities.
Why have you promoted online learning in lieu of residential in-person learning?
We operate under an Enterprise model, which means that each of our subsidiaries has its own identity. They have their own staff, such as Vice Presidents, enrollment teams, and faculty, as well as many other services that are not centralized. They also have their own marketing strategies to promote their services, including the Hybrid Learning subsidiary, which has been and remains focused on promoting in-person learning at 90 Quaker Hill Rd and other locations.
What’s the deal with bringing asylum seekers to the 90 Quaker Hill property?
One of the solutions we are exploring to maximize our underutilized property at Unity Environmental University is to lease it to external parties. One of the potential lease scenarios we are considering is to house asylum seekers. We are open to discussing this option, as it would help us offset some of our costs at 90 Quaker Hill Rd and it would also assist the state with a challenging humanitarian situation. However, this option would require a comprehensive plan that involves the institution, the town, the state, county agencies, and advocacy groups, as well as adequate funding. Such a plan does not exist at this time, but we are not ruling it out. We also want to note that this is not the only leasing option we are or would consider.
Are Hybrid Learning students coming back to 90 Quaker Hill this fall?
Yes. While we eagerly welcome back approximately 50 students this fall, the predicament lies in the fact that our expansive 224-acre campus is tailored to accommodate a more robust community. Students have been back in residence since August of 2021 after a campus closure during the height of the pandemic. Throughout that time, we have fluctuated between 40-60 students choosing to live in residence at our 90 Quaker Hill campus per term. This past year, Hybrid Learning students have been working on the Duck Capturing project in the Introduction to Wildlife Course, spent their time live-trapping and studying woodland critters in our Winter Ecology course in Unity, and traveled around Maine for our Animal Nutrition course to sites like Pineland Farms, the Maine Wildlife Park, and a local bison farm – just to name a few. Other Hybrid Learning students continued their studies remotely while completing internships with organizations such as the Topeka Zoo and the Red Creek Wildlife Center.
What is the rush to sell now?
We are not in a hurry to sell our 90 Quaker Hill property, because our institution is doing well overall. Our Enterprise model has allowed us to grow and avoid the declining overall enrollment that many other colleges have faced. However, we have been evaluating the viability of our Unity property and other properties for more than three years. We want to make sure that we have a sustainable and vibrant campus in the Town of Unity. Having only 40-60 students living on campus at a time is not good for the University or the town. Therefore, we are exploring all possible options to use our property effectively and efficiently.
What can we do to help ensure Unity Environmental University operates the 90 Quaker Hill Campus for years to come?
Spread the word and help promote our residential programming at 90 Quaker Hill! This fall students can take courses like Introduction to Wildlife Professions, Managing Interpersonal Conflict in the Outdoors, and Plant Identification. All are in-person at 90 Quaker Hill during our Fall 1 term. In our October term, in-person options include Animal Behavior and Habitat Management, and Ecology. Students can register today for these hands-on in-person fall courses.
What’s Next?
As a non-profit, fully accredited, tuition-based institution, we have always adapted to the changing needs of our students for more than 50 years. Unity Environmental University is committed to being transparent and responsive to learner needs as they evolve. We offer both online and in-person education, with over 7,000 online students and around 50 residential students returning this fall.
We have seen how the rising costs of higher education and the shifting economic landscape have made traditional four-year residential programs less appealing and affordable for many students. That is why we have expanded our online and technical programs to provide more cost-effective and flexible options for environmental science education. We hope to continue teaching at multiple locations, including 90 Quaker Hill, and let our students choose where, how, and when they want to learn.
In the future, we will be teaching from multiple locations, and we hope 90 Quaker Hill is one of them – ensuring that no matter how future students choose to learn, Unity will be there to give them the opportunity for an environmental science-based education. Ultimately, students will decide where, how, and when they want to learn.
We remain committed to accessibility, flexibility, and affordability to students from all walks of life. For over three years, we have held tuition flat – and we have committed to doing that again in the ’23-’24 school year. We are also particularly proud that our self-disclosed diverse student population has grown from a 50-year average of 8% to now over 22% and growing.
I sincerely appreciate your interest in learning more about our evolution at Unity Environmental University, and hope this message has provided you with clarity and context as we stride resolutely ahead during a significantly disruptive era in higher education.
With Pride,
Dr. Melik Peter Khoury