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Dr. Iris Knoebl

Baccalaureate Adjunct Faculty

Iris Knoebl


PhD and MS Degrees in Fisheries Science

Dr. Iris Knoebl received her PhD and MS degrees in Fisheries Science from Oregon State University. At Oregon State, she studied the endocrine system of fish. Her MS research involved studying the stress response in salmon, especially the levels of the stress hormone cortisol. She was involved in field research, which included assessing stress hormone levels in juvenile salmon that were transported on barges from hatcheries to their release downstream. For her PhD, which she also received from OSU, Dr. Knoebl did her research in Pensacola, Florida at the Environmental Protection Agency lab on Pensacola Beach. There she focused on molecular biology, more particularly toxicogenomics. Dr. Knoebl studied the genes that were induced (or turned on) in fish exposed to environmental endocrine-disrupting chemicals, particularly estrogens. After receiving her PhD, Dr. Knoebl continued as a research biologist both at the University of Florida in Gainesville and at the Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Lab in Cincinnati, Ohio. Dr. Knoebl has authored and co-authored a number of research papers using fish as her model species. Before embarking on her current career as an academic, Dr. Knoebl changed course, literally. She spent several years living on and piloting a 50-foot motor vessel in Florida and in the Bahamas. After her adventure, Dr. Knoebl again settled in Florida where she now teaches.