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December 09, 2015

Wilderness medicine certification courses offered

Instructor brings courses from America’s Environmental College to rescuers throughout region

Road not taken

December 07, 2015

Sustainability programming for Higher Education

Sustainability Programming is an Ethical Obligation for Higher Education in the Environmental Century

Mulkey Rocks

December 07, 2015

Sustainability programming for Higher Education

Sustainability Programming is an Ethical Obligation for Higher Education in the Environmental Century

Wet lab

December 02, 2015

Unity College reopens wet lab

Unique facility supports marine biology, other programs at America’s Environmental College

Guiding eyes

December 01, 2015

Training Guiding Eyes for the Blind

This fall, Mac and Malcolm – two Labrador retriever puppies bred by the group Guiding Eyes for the Blind – arrived on campus, where they are being lovingly raised by four Unity College undergraduates as part of Guiding Eyes’s puppy raising program.

November 25, 2015

A Heartfelt Thank You to You and Yours

As we prepare to give thanks and kickoff the holiday season, please allow me to share with you a heartfelt thanksgiving tribute.


November 23, 2015

Unity College Annual Service Recognition Dinner

The annual service recognition dinner celebrates the commitment of faculty and staff who have worked at Unity College for more than five years.

Sarah Cunningham

November 16, 2015

Unity College creates, staffs student success post

Dr. Sarah Cunningham appointed to bolster, enhance student experience.

November 13, 2015

Unity alum named to high Maine fisheries post

Tim Peabody ’81 is deputy commissioner at the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife Served 10 years on Unity faculty after years as chief warden in Maine Warden Service

November 13, 2015

Unity alum named to high Maine fisheries post

Tim Peabody ’81 is deputy commissioner at the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife Served 10 years on Unity faculty after years as chief warden in Maine Warden Service


November 13, 2015

Unity’s Holt scholars to gain valuable insight

Two recipients awarded grants to take on unique undergraduate research


November 13, 2015

Unity offers appeal to community colleges

Instant Admissions Day helps ease transition from two-year degree to America’s Environmental College

November 11, 2015

New Chief Officers: Bert, Julie, and Dan

TO: Employee-news FROM: Dr. Melik Peter Khoury DATE: November 11, 2015 SUBJECT: New Chief Officers: Bert, Julie, and Dan ATTACHMENT: Chief Facility Management Officer Job Description; Chief Information Officer Job… Read more »


November 09, 2015

Explosive growth sparks new expansion for 2016

With record enrollment, Unity College to build new academic building and new residence hall. Third new residence hall in three years, to be built to energy efficiency standards


November 02, 2015

Mulkey: Sustainability highest calling for colleges

Unity College president delivers keynote address at AASHE National Conference

October 28, 2015

New England’s biggest ‘green jobs’ fair seeks recruiters

Companies looking to add graduates with sustainability skills reserve now for Feb. 9 event

October 27, 2015

Unity steps up awareness of disability

Two programs invite students to experience campus life facing additional challenges

October 26, 2015

“Not a Right Fit?” – Should a Strong Organizational Culture Prevail at the Expense of long-term Financial Sustainability?

A very close friend of mine just resigned from what seemed “to me” a dream job. After an hour on the phone, parochialism seemed to be at the core of… Read more »

Wildlife Duck

October 22, 2015

Students rewarded for undergraduate research

Eight undergraduates win grants for completing field-based research projects


October 20, 2015

Unity recognized as campus sustainability leader

STARS rating puts Unity College in upper echelon for energy, investment