Unity College Distance Education is known for making it easy to complete your undergraduate degree online. This fall, Unity is expanding its online degree offerings with all-new programs in Animal Health and Behavior and Environmental Science and Climate Change.

Both programs are available as Bachelor of Science degrees and offer exciting pathways to environmentally-focused careers.

Animal Health and Behavior

The B.S. in Animal Health and Behavior matches your passion for animals with a thorough scientific education. It’s an ideal program for students interested in the ecology of both wild and captive animals.

Students will explore concepts of animal care and maintenance in wild and captive settings. By exposing students to the biological, medical, and ethical concerns of animal care, the degree program prepares students for a wide range of careers. Graduates will be ready to take on various roles in zoos, humane societies, animal rehabilitation centers, wildlife preserves, and more. By completing Unity’s rigorous curriculum, students will also be prepared to pursue their studies at the graduate level through one of Unity’s online graduate degree offerings or a veterinary medicine program.

Courses are offered entirely online and include innovative classes such as the Evolution, Ecology, and Social Behavior of Animals; Environmental Justice; Animal Husbandry and Genetics, Designing Captive Animal Habitats, and more. Students also benefit from courses in chemistry, physics, mathematics, psychology, and advanced biology courses.

Environmental Science and Climate Change

There’s no question that the world is experiencing climate change on a global scale. The challenge now is to understand the scope of those changes and find solutions that respect the peoples and cultures most affected by climate change. That also means a world of opportunity is opening for students with backgrounds in environmental science and climate change. Unity’s new B.S. in Environmental Science and Climate Change offers the educational experience you’ll need to tackle the challenges of tomorrow.

Students will study with experts in their fields, representing agencies like the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Nature Conservancy, and more.

Through online courses like Natural Resource Law and Policy, Environmental Economics, The Warming Planet: Understanding Climate Change, and Environmental Remediation and Toxicology students will develop a strong background suited for a number of careers. Graduates will be prepared for roles as environmental inspectors, energy consultants or urban planners, or they can pursue further education at the graduate or doctorate level.

Want to learn more? Both the B.S. in Animal Health and Behavior and B.S. in Environmental Science and Climate Change are accepting applications. Plus, Unity College Distance Education features multiple start dates throughout the year, making it easy to earn your degree on your schedule.

Apply today at online.unity.edu.