
December 22, 2016
Why a Transdisciplinary Approach in an Environmental Sustainability Degree is Necessary to Confront Complex Challenges
Progressing towards the goal of environmental sustainability is far from a simple task as it requires fundamental changes in human attitudes and behavior. As climate change and the destruction of… Read more »

December 22, 2016
Unity College joins letter on climate action
More than 170 leaders in higher education urge continued U.S. participation in U.N. Paris Accord
December 20, 2016
End of Year Reflections & New Year Commitments…
TO: Employee-News FROM: Dr. Melik Peter Khoury DATE: December 20, 2016 SUBJECT: End of Year Reflections & New Year Commitments… ATTACHMENTS: None Dear Unity College Community, As the year winds… Read more »

December 20, 2016
Unity College wins grant recognizing innovation
Endeavor Foundation award totals $80,000 to spur small, private colleges toward new horizons

December 19, 2016
Unity College marks 4 years at forefront of divestment
First U.S. college to nix fossil fuels from portfolio helped push $5.2 trillion toward ‘intentional investing’

December 16, 2016
Unity College sends 31 graduates forth tonight
Khoury challenges graduates of America’s Environmental College to ‘change the world’

December 15, 2016
Unity students present actionable research
Biannual Student Conference exhibits undergraduates’ real-world problem solving skills, community engagement, and creative talent

December 14, 2016
Unity College to hold On the Road event in Boston
America’s Environmental College bringing Maine campus to Bay State alumni, prospective students

December 08, 2016
How Experiential Learning in Environmental Masters Programs Develops the Problem Solvers of Tomorrow
With societies and natural environments changing faster than ever, it is the individuals who have developed sophisticated adaptability and creative thinking skills that will be best prepared to confront our… Read more »

December 02, 2016
A world of undergraduate internships on display
America’s Environmental College and partners offer students an immersive field education in sustainability

November 30, 2016
Why Unity College Online May Be the Ideal Path to a Masters Degree in Sustainability
Sustainability has been an issue of increasingly important concern in recent decades, as the impacts of our way of life on our planet’s natural environments have become more evident. It… Read more »

November 18, 2016
Unity College tops in U.S. for financial sustainability
Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education lauds Maine college

November 17, 2016
Unity College women cap memorable soccer season
Advanced to Yankee Small College Conference championship; several named to all-conference team
November 11, 2016
We are Unity: The Unity Commission on Community Standards & Inclusivity
TO: Employee-News FROM: Dr. Melik Peter Khoury DATE: November 11, 2016 SUBJECT: We are Unity: The Unity Commission on Community Standards & Inclusivity ATTACHMENTS: None Unity College Community, In my… Read more »

November 11, 2016
Unity students tackle statewide food waste challenge
Unity College is sending a team of students to the Maine Food System Innovation Challenge to find innovative ways to divert discarded food to feed the hungry.
November 09, 2016
In Unity We Stand!
TO: Employee-News FROM: Dr. Melik Peter Khoury DATE: November 9, 2016 SUBJECT: In Unity We Stand! ATTACHMENTS: None Dear Unity College Community, Yesterday, our nation voted after long, intense, and… Read more »

November 07, 2016
Khoury to keynote high school leadership conference
Unity College renews long-term partnership with PeaceJam Maine

November 03, 2016
Unity College alum in first-ever Hills to Sea Trail run
Ryan Howes, 2007 Adventure Therapy graduate, retraces his Maine journey

November 01, 2016
Unity College lauds Bangor Savings Bank for gift
Bangor Savings Bank Foundation’s $50,000 grant helps fund Collaborative Learning Center
October 16, 2016
Learning Essential Scientific Knowledge
Unity College degree programs within the Center for Biodiversity focus on the study and preservation of all types of habitats.