On October 29th Hurricane Sandy moved onshore near Atlantic City, New Jersey as a post-tropical cyclone with sustained winds of 80 miles per hour. Sandy affected twenty-four states, set high water records in New York City and Philadelphia, and was the second costliest storm in dollars-second only to Hurricane Katrina (NOAA.org).
Unity College first year students were not satisfied to watch and worry. They immediately expressed their interest in somehow participating in disaster relief and recovery.
On November 6, the first year students at Unity College voted to organize a fundraiser event for the whole Unity community. This vote meant an investment of their time, energy, and money that was set aside for incentives for their class.
ME HEARTS NY is the 2012 Hurricane Sandy relief effort at Unity College focused on putting together a fundraiser at the Unity College Center for the Performing Arts. This fundraising event will take place on Saturday, December 8 at 7:00 pm, and will feature The Coloradas, a nationally emerging bluegrass band that has Waldo County ties. All proceeds will reach hurricane victims through the National Emergency Response Team.
Come to the show on December 8 at 7:00 pm! Call 207-948-7469 or email mfournier@unity.edu to reserve tickets for the fundraising event. If you are unable to attend the show, but would like to donate to the relief effort, please go to www.nert-usa.org.
The National Emergency Response Team (NERT) is the disaster relief partner for ME HEARTS NY.
Special thanks to WERU Community Radio for media support of ME HEARTS NY.