As many who have earned a college degree know, the path to a receiving one’s diploma is not necessarily a straight line. So it is that at the end of each fall semester, Unity College celebrates the achievements of a group of students who are eligible to be awarded their degree.
Some of these students are eligible to graduate a semester early, while others extended their time spent in college beyond the usual spring commencement celebration. This latter group includes students who have enhanced their marketability with additional course work or through gaining extensive internship experience.
On Tuesday, December 13, Unity College will celebrate the achievements of students who are eligible to graduate at the completion of the fall semester. The event will take place at the Unity College Centre for the Performing Arts, 42 Depot Street (off Route 202), Unity, from 5-7 p.m.
Unity College President Stephen Mulkey, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs William Trumble, and State Representative Jeff McCabe’00 will be on hand to honor the 33 students who are eligible to receive their degrees from Unity College. The event is free and open to the College community and general public.
Events and Summer Program Coordinator Kate Grenier noted that though eligible to graduate in the fall, all are eligible to participate in commencement exercises in May.
“There is a wonderful spirit of community present every time that we hold this event to honor those who are eligible to graduate,” noted Grenier. “It is also wonderful to see those students who have left after the fall semester when they return to march in commencement the following spring.”
Unity College graduates are prepared to be environmental stewards, effective leaders, and responsible citizens through active learning experiences within a supportive community.
In 2011, Unity College was named to the top 30 of the Washington Monthly college rankings, and was one of eighteen U.S. colleges and universities named to The Princeton Review’s 2010 Green Rating Honor Roll.