Category: Unity News
April 18, 2014
Divestment Movement Crosses $100 Million Endowment Line, Unity College praises Pitzer Decision
Pitzer’s decision validates the idea that the movement to divest from fossil fuels is not limited to small colleges, and that the rest of higher education should consider following suit.
April 16, 2014
Unity College poised to Host Historically Large Incoming Class
On Saturday, April 19, new students and their families will attend a day of events designed to ease the transition to college life.
April 14, 2014
Permanent Resident Screech Owl at Unity College
Unity College has a new addition to the animal room, an Eastern Screech Owl from the Southeastern Raptor Center affiliated with the Auburn College of Veterinary Medicine.
April 11, 2014
33rd Annual Spring 5K on April 19
The 33rd Annual Unity College Spring 5K will be held on Saturday, April 19, on the campus of Unity College, 90 Quaker Hill Road, Unity, Maine.
April 10, 2014
Unity College to host Earth Week Activities, April 14-24
The first college in the nation to divest from investments in fossil fuels and adopt sustainability science as a focus for teaching and learning will hold a week of Earth Week events.
April 09, 2014
Travis Wagner digs through garbage
Travis Wagner, a teacher in the University of Southern Maine’ Department of Environmental Science and Policy, recently had his students spend seven weeks digging through the garbage of Portland households.
April 09, 2014
Celine Cousteau to speak at Unity College
Céline Cousteau, a young luminary of nature documentary filmmaking and conservation advocacy, will serve as Unity College’s 2014 commencement speaker.
April 07, 2014
Sportsmen’s Conference and Wild Game Dinner
Food lovers will soon line up to participate in a gourmet tradition at one of the nation’s premier environmental colleges, with proceeds to benefit Maine’s Operation Game Thief and the Unity College Bear Study.
April 03, 2014
Unity College will host Imagine Unity Slam
Unity College will host Imagine Unity Slam for the Future, the first-ever Earth Week Poetry Slam on April 26. Poets from across the nation will compete for prizes totaling $1,000.
April 01, 2014
Wildlife Student Perspective
Mariana Rivera Rodriguez of Unity College reflects upon her experience investigating colonizing black bear populations in central Maine. Originally published in “The Maine Wildlifer – Spring 2014.”
April 01, 2014
The Coloradas and Kelly Ravin
The Coloradas and Kelly Ravin will be performing at the Unity College Center for the Performing Arts on Friday, April 4 at 8:00. Tickets are $10 in advance.
March 28, 2014
Unity College to voice concerns over proposed bill
Officials at Unity College are voicing profound concern over the proposal to remove the Unity College sign from the Maine Interstate.
March 28, 2014
Susan Morse: Big Cats return to New England
Susan C. Morse of Jericho, Vermont, a nationally known tracker and expert on wildlife habitat, will present “Coming Soon: The Cougar Returns to the East,” as part of the Lapping Lecture Series.
March 26, 2014
Bestselling Author Kate Braestrup to Speak
On April 1, WE Lead, the women’s environmental leadership group at Unity College, will host a presentation by New York Times bestselling author Kate Braestrup. She will speak about her approach to life, writing, and faith.
March 24, 2014
SGA Students Attend National Conference
Unity SGA members networked with students from other colleges and talked about unique and innovative ideas, attended workshops and presentations, and were able to take away tools that will help to run a more efficient and cohesive SGA.
March 18, 2014
Unity College to Host Maine Enviriothon
Unity College will host The 2014 Maine Envirothon Forestry & More Training Workshop on March 21, a part of Maine’s high school environmental education competition.
March 18, 2014
How to pop the Carbon Bubble
Paul Hodgson takes a closer look at how Unity College, the first institution of higher education in America to divest from fossil fuel, achieved this goal in an article for Responsible Investor magazine.
March 17, 2014
Unity Students Get Involved in Local Government
Unity College students enrolled in the State and Local Government course recently volunteered during the Comprehensive Plan Visioning meeting of the town of Unity to enhance their knowledge of local government.
March 14, 2014
Helping graduate women from the African Rural University
In 2009, Unity awarded 21 honorary bachelor of arts degrees to a group of extremely committed women from rural Africa who might never in their lives have the opportunity to visit Unity but who will always hold the College in their hearts.
March 10, 2014
Comprehensive Laboratory Upgrades
Unity College’s recently upgraded facilities include three new state-of-the-art labs for the chemistry, molecular biology and geology classes, providing better learning experiences for students.