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Woman at computer with headphones

July 09, 2018

You CAN Have It All: Maintaining Balance While Earning an Online Masters Degree

Earning an master’s degree opens the doors to a variety of possibilities. Recipients look forward to beginning a career, improving their position in a current role, or following a new path entirely. One way to earn a master’s degree is by enrolling in an online program, and this option has a number of benefits for… Read more »

Businessman putting water bottle in recycling bin

July 02, 2018

Social Responsibility of Business: 10 Companies Who “Get It”

Companies who embrace social responsibility serve as an example to others. Small changes that they make have had a huge impact on the environment and customer loyalty. Burt’s Bees Burt’s Bees helped set the official guidelines for what should be considered as natural personal care products. In addition, they adhere to the highest level of… Read more »

July 01, 2018

Alumni Story: A reason to shell-ebrate

From Big Night to the Big Day, Unity College’s turtle-loving Greg LeClair has exemplified what a Unity College Education can offer young conservationists It’s a chilly night in April, and the sun fell just a couple hours ago. The weather isn’t quite ideal for the Unity College Herpetology Club’s first ever organized Big Night, where… Read more »

July 01, 2018

Corwin to graduates: ‘You are the solution’

Television host, conservationist Jeff Corwin meets, mingles, and addresses Unity College Class of 2018 “Yes Virginia, there is climate change. I’ve seen it. I’ve experienced it. I’ve witnessed and told the stories of the creatures who are impacted by climate change.” — Conservationist and TV host Jeff Corwin Growing up just outside of Boston, the… Read more »

July 01, 2018

Batting a Thousand

Unity College Conservation Law students fill all six Deputy Game Warden positions this summer Decked out in their new forest-green uniforms, six Unity College students majoring in Conservation Law Enforcement lined up in front of a whiteboard, standing underneath the words “To succeed, you have to believe in something with such a passion that it… Read more »

Biologists in a lab examining samples

June 28, 2018

What Can You Do With a Biology Degree?

A biology degree is one of the most versatile programs out there for those interested in plants and animals. It’s a fascinating field that looks at the study of living organisms and the characteristics—i.e., physiology, behavior, anatomy, origin, etc.—that make them unique.

Biologists in a lab examining samples

Wildlife biologist doing field work in mountain valley

June 27, 2018

What Can You Do With a Wildlife Biology Degree?

Not everyone is cut out for a career in wildlife biology. It’s true. Not everyone is willing to put in the hours of schooling and training it takes to understand the myriad animal habitats, landscapes, and refuge systems that crisscross our country. Not everyone is willing to think beyond themselves and shoulder the burden of preserving natural habitats and protecting endangered species for generations to come.

Wildlife biologist doing field work in mountain valley

Two people planning with windmills in background

June 25, 2018

Balancing the Sustainable Management of Natural Resources

The sustainable management of natural resources involves managing natural resources such as land, soil, water, and minerals in a sustainable way. Preserving natural resources is one of the most important issues today. Natural resources provide the main source for our everyday needs. Through the years, we have been able to find a balance for using… Read more »

June 23, 2018

Unity Works: Summer Edition

TO: Employee-News FROM: Dr. Melik Peter Khoury DATE: June 23, 2018 SUBJECT: Unity Works: Summer Edition  ATTACHMENTS: None Unity College Colleagues, I hope this note finds you well as the spring gives way to early summer. In some ways, it feels like winter is only just ending, but we all know that fall will come… Read more »

Unity College Maine Deputy Game Warden Conservation Law

June 19, 2018

Unity College students go six for six on Deputy Maine Game Warden openings

‘This is a big step’ toward lifelong dream of becoming a full-time Game Warden

June 18, 2018

Environmental Problems and Solutions Debunked: Top 3 Common Misconceptions

Since the modern day environmental movement in the United States began in the 1970s, households have followed suggestions and recommendations for ways to help the environment. Some of these environmental problems and solutions have been placed under a magnifying glass, and myths have developed about their effectiveness in making an impact. Recycling does make a… Read more »

turtle swimming in clear blue water

June 18, 2018

What Can You Do With a Marine Biology Degree?

Spending four years of your life—or more—studying a specific subject is a big commitment that requires a serious, informed decision. What you choose to major in should be something that excites you; it should be something you’ve daydreamed about; maybe even something you’ve pictured yourself doing for a living.

Marine biologists on a boat returning a turtle to the sea

Man at bottom of mountain checking electronic device

June 11, 2018

Using Your GIS Degree to Launch into a New Career

A degree in Geographic Information Science, or GIS degree, can lead to the beginning of a rewarding career for recent graduates and to a new career for seasoned professionals. GIS is a system that is designed to capture, retain, study, manipulate, manage, and present spatial and geographic data. Though the type and format vary, the… Read more »

Alexandra Sutton Lawrence standing on a plateau

June 01, 2018

Dr. Alexandra Sutton Lawrence brings innovative approach to Unity College’s Distance Education

Dr. Alexandra Sutton Lawrence has spent nearly her entire adult life in academia, going on from her bachelor’s degree in biology from Howard University, to Texas A&M for her master’s in Wildlife & Fisheries Science, onto her Ph.D. in Environmental Science at Duke, where she also worked as the Science Program Policy Director. Now, Dr.… Read more »

Corporate Social Responsibility written on chalkboard

May 28, 2018

4 Reasons Recruiters Love to See Your Corporate Social Responsibility Courses

In recent years, an increasing number of companies have placed a higher value on the importance of social responsibility. By definition, corporate social responsibility is the way a company takes responsibility for its impact on both the environment and the community. When searching for potential employees, recruiters are noticing the mention of corporate social responsibility… Read more »

May 15, 2018

Building a Beacon and What’s Next

Building a Beacon and What’s Next

May 15, 2018

May 11 Board Meeting

TO: Employee-News FROM: Dr. Melik Peter Khoury DATE: May 15, 2018 SUBJECT: May 11 Board Meeting ATTACHMENTS: None Unity College Community, What an amazing time at Unity College! Beautiful weather for Commencement and the last week of school. Thanks to everyone who put so much into the Student Conference, finals week, student activities, Commencement, this… Read more »

Businessman in front of industrial equipment

May 14, 2018

The Green MBA Lives Up to the Hype: How an MBA in Sustainability Can Help Your Career

Today’s industry leaders are often faced with a variety of issues concerning sustainability and social responsibility in the workplace, so professionals in a wide range of fields are choosing to head back to the classroom to stay current on environmental issues.  Earning a sustainable master’s degree, or green MBA, will not only develop students’ expertise… Read more »

Jeff Corwin

May 11, 2018

Unity College to honor conservationist and TV star Jeff Corwin

Commencement to bring Emmy winner face-to-face with more than 100 graduates

Hands holding coins with plant sprouting out of coins

May 07, 2018

Why Your Employer Cares About Business Ethics and Social Responsibility

People think of businesses as take no prisoners enterprises that only care about the bottom line. The image of factories that pollute, industries that inappropriately uses natural resources and exploit their workers is persistent. But throughout the 20th century and continuing to today, there has been a concerted effort from all parts of society to… Read more »