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The Unity Model and U

Creating a sustainable future starts with reimagining how we do business.

In 2017, Unity Environmental University adopted an enterprise model as its organizational structure. An enterprise model allows for the creation of distinct units within the overall University. The enterprise model is similar to a matrix organization, with some real advantages that allow the University to be more responsive to the rapidly changing needs of students and society.

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The Unity Enterprise Model at a Glance.

The enterprise model combines the innovation potential of a functional hierarchy with the collaboration between disciplines that characterizes a project-based structure. This forward-thinking, entrepreneurial approach allows the creation of distinct independent Sustainable Education Business Units (SEBUs) that are decentralized and charged with developing programs, services, and/or products that are tailored to audience-specific needs.

How Are Decisions Made at Unity?

Decisions are made by the President or Heads of SEBUs/Chief Officers with input from stakeholders. Within the Enterprise Model, leadership roles are interdependent while each leader has the authority to make decisions within their areas of expertise. There are no silos, no requirement for consensus, and one entity cannot override the decisions of another. Learn More >

Unity Environmental University’s leadership structure is built on an Enterprise Model developed and implemented under the leadership of President Dr. Melik Peter Khoury. The President/CEO leads the entire University. Vice Presidents or Deans lead individual Sustainable Educational Business Units (SEBUs) (the revenue generating entities). Chief Officers oversee centralized services called the Enterprise. Learn More >

What Does Enterprise Mean at Unity?

How Do Employees Interact with University Leadership?

The Enterprise Model reduces the number of people in key leadership roles and allows for more direct access to decision makers, however we encourage all employees to communicate with their supervisors if they have any idea, questions, or concerns. Learn More >