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Hybrid Learning Coach

Professional advising working

for your academic success

Our Hybrid Learning Coaches provide individualized advising to all students, from the time they enroll at Unity Environmental University until they graduate. They serve as the single point of contact to assist students at any time they have a question.

Here is how Hybrid Learning Coaches help:

  • Academic Advising – making sure that students meet academic goals and make progress to graduate on time
  • Registering for classes – helping students select classes that work best for their major and career paths. Students won’t pay for classes that they don’t need to complete their major
  • Financial aid and billing – helping students navigate through the financial aid and billing process and assisting in getting the most money possible to help pay for their education
  • Support – helping students navigate academic resources and support services
  • Achieving your goals – helping students achieve their educational goals and helping them connect with Career Services