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Tuition and Financial Aid

Financial Planning for College

Is Easier Than You Think

Wondering how to get financial aid for online college courses? Or how to go to college full time and pay bills without taking on more debt than you can handle? At Unity Environmental University, we believe investing in your education should be financially attainable. That’s why we’re committed to being one of the most affordable private colleges in the US—and with our Hybrid Learning programs, one of the most flexible.  

According to a recent survey, 94% of a recent graduating class were employed or attending graduate school within six months of commencement.

We know you have big ambitions. You want to make a difference in the world, while giving yourself and your family a better life. You know that an advanced degree will get you closer to your dream job, but that you can’t just drop everything and go back to school. You have financial obligations, time restrictions, and family that needs you.

We know that everyone’s story is different. Which is why we’ve come up with strategies for making your college education both affordable and doable for new high school graduates, working adults, and those pursuing lifelong learning. 

Get your personalized financial plan before you start

Everyone’s financial situation is different. You may have credits from another institution you want to transfer. You may be a veteran or are currently deployed. You may want to accelerate your education to finish sooner. Or, you may want to slow things down and take a break from studying.

We get it. Which is why every student has their own financial plan, taking all the guesswork out of how to make college affordable. So you can focus on learning and not on how to pay for college.

Learn more about the tuition and costs of Hybrid Learning. 

Get a private school education at a public school cost

Unity Environmental University undergraduate tuition and fees are so affordable, they rival the cost of attending a public school. For students in hybrid learning taking 24 credits a year, the cost of tuition and fees is only about $1000 more than attending a public institution. And, for those who qualify, that amount may be covered by financial aid.


We offer affordable in-person and online college tuition rates 

Our Hybrid Learning programs feature two convenient learning formats with affordable tuition rates to match. For online courses, you’ll pay $470 per credit hour. For courses delivered in person you’ll pay $550 per credit hour. Among accredited online colleges that accept financial aid, we’re one of the most affordable. 

Yes, you can get financial aid for online college courses 

Unity Environmental University is one of many traditional and online colleges that accept financial aid for online courses. Need help with financial planning for college, including for our Hybrid Learning and online programs? We will work with you to maximize the financial aid you may qualify for—including Federal Pell Grants, Direct Loans, and more. 

Learn more about the tuition and costs of Hybrid Learning. 


Short terms let you focus on one class at a time

This is especially helpful if you are returning to college while still working full-time. Plus, students who focus on one class at a time retain information better and are more successful academically. Undergraduate terms are 5-weeks and graduate terms are 8-weeks.

Explore term start dates in Hybrid Learning (online + in-person)


Taking one class IS full-time

This means that, if you qualify, you can get federal financial aid to help pay for your studies.


Pay just for the classes you take, with no hidden fees!

If you are interested in in-person or hybrid learning, you pay just for the services you choose. 

View Tuition and Costs for Hybrid Learning


Flexible payment plans

If you need to pay for any of your courses out-of-pocket, you can set up payment plans that work for you.

Increase your earning potential over a lifetime

Did you know that by getting a bachelor’s degree your average lifetime earning potential is 2.3 Million dollars?* Probably the smartest financial move you can make – with the highest return on investment – is in investing in your education.

Bachelor’s degree holders earn 31% more than those with an Associate’s degree, and 84% more than those with just a high school diploma.


Start and stop when it works for you

We understand that sometimes life just gets in the way. You have to take care of a sick parent, need to find a new job, or just need a break from classes. At Unity Environmental University, you can pause your studies so you can deal with whatever life throws at you. And, if you have financial aid, it will be put on hold and available to you when you return to classes, no questions asked.

Contact Hybrid Learning


Unity Environmental University

70 Farm View Drive, Suite 200
New Gloucester, ME 04260