As every college student quickly learns, the pursuit of higher education is a complex endeavor in even the most focused of circumstances. With so many students seeking to get a leg up on the job market or graduate school by pursuing internship opportunities, study abroad, or other types of resumé building pursuits during their undergraduate years, the task of graduating within four-years can be challenging.
While the extras to the curriculum can prove invaluable in landing a job or prime graduate study opportunities after graduation, they can prove financially daunting if they lead to an additional year to graduate. With this in mind, Unity College has developed a new program available to the entering class of 2013 that takes the guess work out of graduating in four-years. Students are now offered a new four-year graduation guarantee.
Participants in the Four-Year Graduation Guarantee program at Unity College will be able to journey down a worry free path to commencement, provided they follow specific criteria.
“This program is our commitment to future enrolled students, letting them know that they can graduate in four-years,” noted Dean for Enrollment Management Alisa Johnson. “Given the state of the economy and college costs, we want Unity students and their families to know that graduation in four years is not only possible, it is guaranteed.”
Johnson sees the new program as directly tied to the college’s core values.
“One of the three words on our college seal is integrity,” Johnson said. “Unity strives for this in all policy-making decisions, focusing on what is best for all students.”