Unity, Maine – February, 2012 – Entertainer and diversity speaker Mohammed Bilal will offer his critically acclaimed diversity themed one man show entitled Twelve Steps to Appreciating Diversity. Drawing from both humorous and poignant personal experiences and perceptive observations, Bilal draws audience together to achieve a heightened awareness of the special role each individual plays in the world.
The performance will begin at 8 p.m. on February 21 at the Student Center on the campus of Unity College, 90 Quaker Hill Road, Unity, Maine. It is free and open to the general public. A round table discussion with Bilal will follow the performance.
The event is part of a suite of diversity related programming that will run throughout the spring Semester at the environmental college. This event is being sponsored by the Unity College Diversity Committee and the Diversity and Equality Club, two groups which are dedicated to creating and maintaining an inclusive campus environment.
“Appreciation of diversity in all of its forms is an asset to every kind of endeavor,” noted Jennifer Olin, Chair of the Diversity Committee and Community Based Learning Coordinator. “We are so pleased to welcome Mohammed Bilal to Unity College. His presentation will be among highlights of the spring semester.”
Bilal is best known as “the even-tempered, dread-locked rapper guy” on MTV’s Real World III San Francisco. He is also a diversity consultant, musician, poet, and an extraordinary writer who educates audiences about some of today’s greatest social problems.
As a facilitator of over 300 diversity presentations and workshops worldwide, his topics include 12 Steps to Appreciating Diversity, A People of Color’s Guide to Forgiving Whites, Cross-Cultural Communication, Lower-Casing AIDS: A Hip-Hop Memoir, and LoveLife: The Disempowerment of AIDS. Bilal also offers Spoken Word/Hip-Hop Performances.
Bilal has an MA in Diversity Studies and has spent 14 years creating fun, innovative ways to educate people about diversity, AIDS and HIV prevention, drug and alcohol abuse, and responsibility. Bilal’s positive energy, unmistakable talent, and ethics have made him one of today’s leading role models and top diversity consultants. Through his AIDS awareness presentation, he offers solutions on how to better accept the reality of HIV and AIDS. His 12 Steps to Appreciating Diversity has helped thousands to embrace and incorporate social justice and equity into their daily lives.
In 2011, Unity College was named to the top 30 of the Washington Monthly college rankings, and was one of eighteen U.S. colleges and universities named to The Princeton Review’s 2010 Green Rating Honor Roll.
Unity College is a small private college in rural Maine that provides dedicated, engaged students with a liberal arts education which emphasizes the environment and natural resources. Unity College graduates are prepared to be environmental stewards, effective leaders, and responsible citizens through active learning experiences within a supportive community.